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Grinn (played anonymously) |
Loraen (played by Angela) |
Jacob Cross (played by Cross) |
Arvedui Shruden (played by Arvedui) |
Janvier (played anonymously) |
Veg (played anonymously) |
Pixan (played anonymously) |
Elliot Marlowe (played by AcademyInvestigator) |
Luminance (played by Picksey) |
Domsik Batori (played anonymously) |
Harsadornen Yraudhen (played by Hedjayath) |
Muunokhoi (played anonymously) |
Nayara Gariard (played by Ahrun) |
Archae (played anonymously) |
Biers (played by Ypres) |
Sura (played anonymously) |
Viro (played by Viro) |
Joren (played by stonecoldwolfga) |
Siabhra (played anonymously) |
Sabaoth (played anonymously) |
Kieko (played by Duh_Brat) |
Raktu (played anonymously) |
Eloisa (played anonymously) |
Arvex Galerian (played by RemanLongtail) |
Fae'iqa (played by Jynx) |
Estelle (played by Bunneh) |
Era (played anonymously) |
Frei (played by Mikitfence) |
Molly Ellys (played by Athala) |
Bao-Jia (played anonymously) |
Klowne (played anonymously) |
Jocasta (played anonymously) |
Set Calabrian (played by Set) |
Trygve (played anonymously) |
Tijan (played by Bedlam_Babe) |
DJANIRA (played by sulky) |
Arvedui Shruden (played by Arvedui) || August 20 2017, 6:00pm
Thank you for accompanying me to the Fairy Masquerade Ball, my beautiful Siren. Until the next time"
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Dynamene (played anonymously) || August 20 2017, 6:25pm
"It was my pleasure. Thank you for offering the opportunity.""
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James Isaac Crow(played anonymously) || January 23 2017, 10:31amMy my my......hello there."
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Dynamene (played anonymously) || January 24 2017, 6:24am
*bows head respectively *
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Grinn (played anonymously) || November 28 2016, 11:43pm
How about another bath?"
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Dynamene (played anonymously) || November 29 2016, 3:35am
"Count me in!""
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Hassan(played anonymously) || November 27 2016, 4:44amLet's get you useful again, hmm?
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Dynamene (played anonymously) || November 27 2016, 9:11am
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Duh_Brat || November 26 2016, 8:09pm
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Dynamene (played anonymously) || November 27 2016, 3:36am
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